Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Are there any Reformed Baptists in Lynchburg, Virginia?

Are there any Reformed Baptists in Lynchburg, Virginia?

Surely in this home of Jerry Falwell and Liberty University, in this "buckle of the Virginia Bible belt," there must be some folk who have embraced those venerable and quintessentially Biblical doctrines of grace.

We are looking, however, not just for those who have discovered TULIP, for five-pointers, or for "soteriological" Calvinists.  We are looking for those who have pushed beyond the doctrines of grace to embrace full-blown Reformed and Biblical Christianity.

This means we are looking for those who hold to a historic Protestant Confession of Faith like the Second London Baptist Confession (1689) and not a confession that could be jotted down on the back of a cocktail napkin.  It means we are looking for those who hold to covenant theology and not to dispensationalism; to the Regulative Principle of worship and not the Normative Principle; to cessationism and not non-cessationism; to Elder led church government and not American-style democratic congregationalism; to old school rather than "new methods" evangelism.

Is there anyone in Lynchburg who is longing for a 1689 confessing, psalm singing, expositional preaching, catechism teaching, Reformed Baptist Church?

If you are out there, we are looking for you.

Who are we?  We are the Elders and Members of Christ Reformed Baptist Church in Charlottesville, Virginia, your Jeffersonian neighbors to the North.

Why are we seeking you?  We believe the Lord would have us develop a "Preaching Point" or Reformed Baptist mission in Lynchburg.

What do we plan to do?  If we can gather a few families or individuals, we would like to begin a Sunday evening Bible study or worship service in Lynchburg that would be led by our Elders.

What if you want to learn more or get involved?  Send us an email at info.crbc@gmail.com and give us your contact info so we can get in touch with you and invite you to upcoming gatherings.